Visitor's Guide for Baptisms, Weddings and Funerals
A person must not attend if there is a risk that he/she/they:
· have Covid-19 symptoms,
· think you have had a risky contact,
· are waiting for a test results,
· have been exposed to,
· may be infected with the Covid-19 virus or
· have traveled outside Quebec in the last 14 days.
For the safety of all, every visitor in the church is required to follow the guidelines.
Failure to adhere to guidelines will result in denied access to the building or a request to leave the building.
Due to the evolving nature of the epidemiology conditions, thank you for understanding that these guidelines may be subject to change.
Ushers will assist at the entrance and exit.
1. Entrance: Lombard Crescent
2. Exit: 1800 Graham Blvd. Accommodations may be made for accessibility.
3. Arrival: Guests are requested to arrive at least 10 minutes prior to start of event. Avoid crowding at the entrance.
4. Departure: Guests are requested to leave the building at the end of the event. Please avoid lingering.
5. Permitted seating capacity is a maximum of 50 participants depending on the number of individuals per family cluster.
6. A guest list must be provided in advance for usher’s use as guests arrive. Names, telephone numbers and, where applicable, e-mail addresses of any participant are required. Ushers will check in all guests against the list.
7. Mandatory use of face masks, properly fitted and worn to cover the nose and mouth at all times. Masks are required for everyone aged 5 and over.
8. Mandatory hand cleaning with hand sanitizer or water and soap upon entering the building.
9. Social distancing of 2 meters at all time between different family bubbles. A bubble is a unit of people who live in the same household. Note that despite provincial guidelines of 1 meter recommended social distancing, MRUC requires 2 meters due to its church ventilation.
10. Avoid physical contact.
11. Avoid sharing objects: no bulletins, hymn books or Bibles will be available in the church pews.
12. Service bulletins will not be printed by the church. Event host may provide guests with Orders of Service to be placed at each seat for individual use.
13. Follow directional arrows when entering, exiting and moving about in church. Ushers are available to help, if needed.
14. In the Sanctuary, please follow Seating Guide, denoted by the green tape on the pews.
15. Movement within the church: Follow directional arrows when entering, exiting and moving about in church. Ushers are available to help, if needed. Celebrants and participants must minimize movement around the sanctuary once settled in place.
16. Minister, readers, music director and soloists will be distanced appropriately
17. Microphones, Pulpit and Lectern will be cleaned after each use. Foam covers on microphones will be replaced and pulpit and lectern cleaned by the custodian.
18. Singing. No congregational singing. Singing by soloists only.
19. Washroom: washroom is available in the lower Narthex. Please follow directional arrows. Spray sanitizer is available for cleaning.
20. No post-service reception time until further notice.
If a guest tests positive for COVID within 14 days after the event, the event requestor MUST immediately notify the church.
· Entrance: Lombard Crescent
· Exit: 1800 Graham Blvd.
· Guests are requested to arrive at least 10 minutes prior to start of event and immediately depart the building at the end
· Avoid crowding at the entrance and exit
· Each guest will be checked off the guest list
· Maximum capacity of guests: 50
· Follow directional arrows when moving about
· Follow Seating Guide denoted by the green tape on pews
· Washrooms available in lower Narthex. Spray sanitizer is available for cleaning.
· Mandatory use of faces masks worn properly at all times
· All guests over the age of 5 must be masked
· Wash or sanitize hands before entering the sanctuary
· Social distancing of 2 meters between family bubbles
· Avoid physical contact
· Avoid sharing objects
· No singing
If a guest tests positive for COVID within 14 days after the event, please notify the church immediately.