Christian Education
Our church welcomes children of all ages. Youngsters experience worship with their families in the Sanctuary and then enjoy a special greeting and children's time with the minister at the front of the church before heading off to Sunday school with their teachers. A nursery staffed by a well-qualified babysitter is available for infants and toddlers. The teen Youth Group often participates in services, greeting worshippers and reading Scripture
Located just off the santuary and Lynn Hall, our nursery provides a nurturing, fun and safe environment for our youngest members (children under 5 years of age) during Sunday School, allowing them to socialize, learn and grow.
Nursery Hours: 10:15-12:15 Sunday Mornings
Sunday School
After the Children's Focus, the school aged children are invited to attend Sunday School in the Daisy Morrow Room. Here children engage in bible study, discussions, games and, more often than not, snacks! Many of the children who have since outgrown Sunday School remain in close contact with each other and have formed lifelong friendships.
Youth Group
While the other children are invited to Sunday School downstairs, those ages 12 and up are encouraged to join our Youth Group meetings after the Children's Focus. In these meetings, youth discuss biblical stories and current global events. The Youth is a cherished asset to MRUC as they are often reliable and eager volunteers and brainstormers for community events. The Youth also frequently meets for gatherings in each other’s homes and for activities outside of the church.
Want to keep up-to-date on Sunday School and Youth Events and News? Join our Facebook Groups!
MRUC Quaran-Teen Project 2020
Easter Cards made by Sunday School and Youth that were Delivered to MRUC Members