


Autumn Events

New Members Sunday – October 6:

For those who would like to formalize their membership with Mount Royal United Church, we will invite new members (or those who have delayed joining) to join on October 6th.

An information session will be held following worship on September 15.


40 Days of Engagement on Anti-Racism:

I invite the congregation to take part in “40 Days Engagement on Racism” – which offers weekly on-line meetings with United Church people from across Canada, as well as daily reflections on this very timely topic. For more information see:


A Bible Study:

We will have a weekly 11/2 hour bible study on Zoom, based on “How to Read the Bible for all Its Worth”, beginning Wednesday, October 9. It is a good primer for those interested in reading scripture.



When making an Interac or e-transfer donation, please include your address if you do not have an account at Mount Royal United Church.  This addition will ensure that you will receive a tax receipt at the end of the year.  Thank you. The email address is:



Other Ways of Supporting Mount Royal United

We are grateful for the effort you are making to maintain your pledges and to support MRUC with your givings. 

In addition to Interac and E-transfers:

·       You can send a cheque or drop it in the MRUC mailbox;

·       You may donate using the Canada Helps link found on our MRUC website; please note that there is a new link to a form which reduces the fee to Canada Helps which means more of your donation comes to MRUC.

·      Or you may find it more convenient to use the United Church of Canada's PAR (Pre-Authorised Remittance) program.  When you are enrolled in PAR, the contribution you specify is automatically deducted from your bank account each month.  For the information about PAR, please call Betty Miller at the Church office- (514) 739-7741.


Our Fundscrip Program

Fundscrip Cards are still available!

They are a great way to pay for your regular purchases or you can use them as gifts for special occasions.  Get in touch with Donald Buchan for more information:



Culte de la communauté chrétienne francophone de MRUC

Sœurs et frères,

Pendant ce temps difficile de pandémie, nous continuons à garder dans nos prières :

ceux et celles qui doivent travailler pour prendre soin de la communauté,

ceux et celles qui sont en deuils, malades ainsi que leurs proches.

Nous invitons ceux et celles qui peuvent se joindre à nous

pour le culte de la dimanche à 13h30

NB: Nous vous prions de vous connecter à partir de 13h15.

Pour y participer, veuillez cliquer sur le lien ci-dessous et suivre les instructions.

ID de réunion : 810 5812 0014

Pour y participer au téléphone, veuillez cliquer sur le lien ci-dessous et suivre les instructions.

+1 438 809 7799 Canada

 ID de réunion : 810 5812 0014

Trouvez votre numéro local :

 Soyez les bienvenus

Frère Prosper Bitchoka et Rev. Marie Claude Manga


Soirées de ressourcement spirituelles

La communauté chrétienne francophone de Mount Royal United Church (MRUC) vous invite aux soirées de ressourcement spirituelles qui ont lieu par alternance, chaque mercredi et reparties de la manière suivante :

 -    Soirée de prières d’intercession : de 19h30 à 20h

-    Soirée d’études bibliques : de 19h30 à 20h30.

Pour vous connecter, prière de cliquer sur le lien ci-dessus et suivre les instructions.

Vous pouvez aussi nous contacter si vous avez besoin d’écoute et d’un temps de prière en privé (Rev. Marie-Claude Manga (450)545-8015).