Upcoming Events
Memories of a Sunday School event during the pandemic.

Past Events
Young Adult Hangout: Cheap Seats at the Movies!
On Tuesday August 22nd, young adults from St. Martha's Chapel and Mount Royal United Church watched Barbie together.
Photo by Krists Luhaers on Unsplash
Congregational Event: Walking Tour of the Plateau
We were invited to join Sarah Wicks-Potter on a Walking Tour of the Plateau to learn more about our Jewish neighbors and their history!
Photo by the Bialons on Unsplash
Young Adult Hangout at the Circus
Thanks to our two intrepid travellers which came out in the rain for the Young Adult Hangout at the Circus! They are pictured here with their umbrellas and their new purple elephant friend. The show was ultimately canceled but we did see people walking on stilts and juggling as we raced inside for shelter from the rain.
Photo by Sarah Wicks-Potter
Kids’ Afternoon Out: Board Games Wins the Vote
Did somebody say board games? On July 8th, we had Kids' Afternoon Out: Board Games wins the Vote! We had 10 children and youth attend this event and played a lot of Hungry, Hungry Hippos, Exploding Kittens, Musical Chairs, and good old fashion tag. Thank you so much to everyone who came out, to Charis Kellow for being the second adult, and to everyone who brought board games and snacks!
Photo by Sarah Wicks-Potter
Graduation Ceremony & End of the Year Bash
We had a party! We celebrated the end of the year AND all our graduates in a Graduation Ceremony during the 10:30am service on Sunday, June 18th and after the service at the End of the Year SSYG Bash.
Photo by Elizabeth Boivin.
On Thursday, May 25th, Sarah and Andrew joined with some of the young adults from Saint John the Evangelist, Scott and Thomas, for an evening of mini-golf followed by fellowship over McDonalds fries! It was very lovely that this ended up being an ecumenical event as well as a chance for young adults to spend time together. We are hoping we can partner with other young adults from churches in Montréal for future events this summer!
Photo by Kayla Farmer on Unsplash
For Christian Family Sunday, the Youth Group and Sunday School combined forces to help with coffee hour. We provide chips and salsa and lemonade as well as decorating some ladyfingers and frosting a cake (which says Happy M-Day!) No matter the makeup of your family, you are welcome and celebrated at MRUC!
On Saturday, April 29th, MRUC had a spring sale of books, plants, baked goods, coffee, lunch, jewelry, clothing .... so many things! Here are some snapshots from the day. It was lovely to have so many people come into MRUC and we thank all the teams and their hard work which made this event so successful!
We had a Sunday School & Youth Group Bakefest on Friday, April 28th. We ate pizza and decorated cupcakes which we then sold at the MRUC Spring Sale Saturday.
We rescheduled our Easter Egg hunt to coffeehour after the Easter service on April 9th! Eggs were hidden throughout the parlor and children and youth of all ages had the opportunity to find the eggs.
We were invited to participate in Youth Forum, a regional gathering of youth in the United Church of Canada.
On Saturday, March 25, 2023, from 5:00pm-8:00pm, we hosted MESSY CHURCH and A CONGREGATIONAL POTLUCK!
The theme was Holy Communion. Our Sunday School and Youth Group made the communion bread we will be using in the Easter service. There was also a palm cross making station, coloring sheets, and an opportunity to try to recreate Da Vinci’s “The Last Supper.”
Did somebody say pancakes? On Tuesday, February 21st, we all came together for our Shrove Tuesday/Pancake Supper with pancakes prepared by Doug and the Youth Group and soup and sausages prepared by Donald. Elizabeth provided us with desserts and decorations. It was a privilege to see our youth cook and prepare pancakes for us and we are very grateful to all the volunteers and staff who made the event possible. We hope everyone has a good and spiritual fulfilling Lent and that our Pancake Supper brought some joy as we prepare for Easter.
On Sunday, February 19th, SSYG had an Outdoor Snow Party and some Indoor Charades! It culminated in making and sharing hot chocolate with the congregation after the service, as well as other treats. It was a delightful way to spend a Sunday in February!
On Saturday, January 14th, 2023, from 5:00pm-8:00pm, we had a MESSY CHURCH and A CONGREGATIONAL POTLUCK! The theme was new beginnings and so we celebrated the Lunar New Year, 2023, and the story of Noah’s ark – a story which led to a new world.
On December 18th, 2022, we had our Christmas Pageant with contributions from the choir, the Sunday School, and the Youth Group!
On December 9th, we had a Family Christmas Day in collaboration with the Diocese of Montreal.
MRUC had boutique and bake sale Saturday, November 12! Kids had a Bakefest on Friday, November 11th and baked cupcakes, cookies and brownies to sell at the bake sale to support our church!
The SSYG Halloween 4 Hunger / Costume Party Saturday, October 29th from 1pm-4pm! There was pumpkin carving and other Halloween fun. They collected non-perishable foods for donation at the Multi-Caf!
The “Field of Dreams” MRUC Picnic at La Ferme Forget
Youth Group Excursion to Chinatown
On July 3rd, all Youth and Young Adults (ages 12 and up) were invited to an afternoon out in Chinatown. We had a marvelous time drinking bubble tea, eating bao and exploring the area!
Kids' Night Out - Pizza and Movie Night!
On July 2nd, all Sunday Schoolers were invited to a Pizza and Movie Night! At this event, we ate pizza, played games and watched a movie.
YA & YG Bowling
On May 21st, the Youth and Young Adults (12+) had a great time bowling.
Kids' Night Out - Pizza and PJ Party!
On May 14, all Sunday Schoolers were invited to a Pizza and PJ Party! At this event, we ate pizza, played games and watched a movie.... all in the comfort of our PJs!
Donald Buchan preparing his famous soup!
Special thanks to Don for thinking of this event and donating tons of food!
Don't miss out on Don's soup, bread, sides AND desserts!
Our Soup Sale Fundraiser was a success, raising just over $1300! Thank you to Susannah Clinker, her team of chefs that include Donald Buchan, Elizabeth Boivin and Sue Clinker and to all who purchased their lunch and made donations. Special thanks to Jessica Gauthier for sharing her seedlings and love of gardening with us all during the fundraiser and after church on Sunday.
All proceeds from this event will go towards offsetting church expenses. We are blessed to have such a supportive and dedicated community here at MRUC!
Cupcake Fundraiser
On April 24th, the Sunday School and Youth Group organized a Cupcake Fundraiser in Support of Voices of Children Ukraine. The sale was a massive success, selling out in under half an hour and a total of $400 was raised.
All proceeds will be donated to Voices of Children, an organization that provides no-cost psychological support to Ukrainian children who are impacted by armed conflicts. We are blessed to have such an amazing group of young people at our church.
Special thanks also goes to everyone who generously donated cupcakes for the sale.
Kids' Night Out - Movie Night
On April 18, all Sunday Schoolers were invited to a Kids’ Night Out. We had a great time watching Encanto, eating snacks, and playing a few games.
Youth and Young Adult Games Night
On March 8th, MRUC young adults and youth members (those aged 12-28) were invited to a Games Night over Zoom. We played ‘The Telephone Game’ and the top player won a $25 gift card to Chapters. These events are a great way to reconnect with past and present youth group members, over some friendly competition.
Mrs. Claus Bake Sale
Our Sunday School and Youth Group hosted a virtual Bake Sale. With the help of volunteer bakers, the children and youth at MRUC raised over $1,500 for Elizabeth House, a home for young mothers who need support.
Halloween Costume Party
On October 30th, all Sunday School and Youth families were invited to our Halloween Costume Party! The event took place at 3 pm in the Church basement. Each attendee was given their very own mini pumpkin to decorate after playing some ghoulish games. The price of entry for this event was one can of food per person! All cans that were collected were donated to a local charity.
Youth and Young Adult Murder Trivia (12+)
On October 27th, our Youth and Young Adults met over Zoom for a round of Murder Trivia. We had a great time reconnecting and competing for first place in the game!
Orange Shirt Sunday
On September 26th, all SSYG members were invited to an Orange Shirt Day event via Zoom. At this event, we discussed and acknowledged the history and legacy of residential schools. Attendees were given an orange t-shirt to decorate during the event which could then be worn on National Orange Shirt Day on September 30th. Thank you to all those who attended and all those that shared pictures of their posters.
Virtual Christmas Pageant
On December 20th the Sunday School and Youth presented this year's Virtual Christmas Pageant. Showcasing the voices of our youngest members in Sunday School, Youth Group and a number of musical presentations performed by the children. Check it out on our YouTube channel.
STORYTIME: “The Christmas Miracle of Jonathan Toomey”
On Friday December 18th, Sunday School, Youth and leaders joined via Zoom to listen to a heart-warming story of grumpy gloomy Mr. Jonathan Toomey.
Virtual Christmas Cookie Decorating
On December 11, the Sunday School and Youth Gathered to decorate Christmas cookies. The cookies, icing and decorations were generously made and delivered to each child's home by Eliabeth Boivin. In addition to the delicious treats, each child received a beautifully made holiday themed face mask thanks to one of our memebers, Winnie Stewart. Thank you to all of those who particiapted and made such a wonderful night possible!
Zoom Mask-erade Scavenger Hunt
Our Mask-erade Scavenger Hunt of Friday October 30th was a success! The kids and leaders had a blast hunting for items around their houses and were all even able to enjoy some treats from goodie-bags that had been delivered to each child the night before! A very different Halloween - but definitely one for the books!
Annual Events
Christmas Pageant
Each year as Christmas approaches, our Sunday School and Youth Group present the greatest story ever told.
Christmas Carolling
Every Holiday season, the bravest of our members bundle up and set out to sing Christmas favourites to those in our community.
Annual Skating Party
Every winter, the Sunday School, Youth Group and Nursery meet before the service on Sunday and walk over to our local outdoor ice rink. Join us for skating, hot chocolate and more!
Shrove Tuesday
A fun filled night of pancakes, games, and entertainment to fundraise for a chosen cause.
Thirty Hour Fast
Our annual Thirty Hour Fast is one of the most anticipated Youth Events of the year! While fasting for thirty hours to fundraise for a chosen cause, the Youth engage in fun activities (they have been known to even play Laser tag all night!) before eventually crashing at the church for a sleepover. In the morning, the Youth help set up a donation-based luncheon before breaking their fast with the rest of the congregation.
Halloween For Hunger
Each year our church's Sunday School and Youth Group joins together in costume and giving spirits to collect non-perishable food goods to be donated to charity.