Lay Readers

Lay Readers Instructions and Scheduling

            Thank you for your interest and willingness to be a scripture reader, to give welcome, and/or to read the announcements. To be added to the schedule of readers please email the church office or approach Rev. David Clinker. Below are the general procedures for reading in a service. 

            On the Friday before your assigned Sunday, please call the church office to obtain the scripture readings if you haven’t received them by e-mail. You may want to rehearse your readings before the service.

            So that you can be heard clearly, always be sure to adjust the microphone according to your height so that it is no more than 8 to 10 inches from your mouth. The sexton should have the sound system on by the time Sunday morning choir rehearsal is finished.  Then you should immediately go to the lectern and see that the green indicator at the base of the microphone is on and remains on.  Then please test your voice level and rehearse your readings before the service.  A member of the choir will be made available to assist you should you need help.  

            Before the service, the minister will provide you with a script for the welcome and announcements as well as any last-minute changes.  You will find these on the office door Sunday morning along with a printout of the scripture readings.

            If you are unable to participate on the designated date, please first start by calling someone on the list to see if you can exchange Sundays.  If this does not work out for you, you may also call the church office (514) 739-7741 for additional names on the reader list. 

For any additional information, please call or email the church office. 

We greatly appreciate your participation. 

Thank you.