
Dear Friends,​ 

Your support is needed so we will continue to be known as a "welcoming church,” greeting and welcoming all who come to worship. This includes handing out the Sunday bulletin, taking up the offering, and escorting visitors to our time of fellowship at coffee after the service.

We invite you to share in this effort on the date shown on the attached pages. PLEASE ENTER THE DATE YOU ARE TO SERVE IN YOUR PERSONAL AGENDA.


1.​Please be on hand to welcome the worshippers twenty-five minutes before the service.

2.​One greeter should be stationed at the door from the church office and at the front door.

3.​Please check closely for visitors, invite them to sign the Guest Book.  If possible, observe ​where they sit, and after the service ask them to join you for coffee time.

4.​The offering is received by Rev. David Clinker.

5.​The Captain will be in charge of assigning greeters to the doors at the front and back of​the Church, aisle assignments for gathering the offering and deciding which two greeters ​take the offering to the minister at the front of the church.

6.​The Captain is asked to remind “greeters” assigned on his/her week of their scheduled ​duty date one week in advance.  

7.​Guest Book: this person is to invite visitors to sign the guest book.

NOTE:If you are unable to “greet” on any assigned day, would you please find asubstitute, and advise the Captain, the church office or Margaret Heathcote.

      (a master list of Greeters is located on the bulletin board outside of the church office)


Your assistance will be much appreciated.



Margaret Heathcote,

Clerk of Session