Weddings (brochure)

Weddings at Mount Royal United Church

All weddings at Mount Royal United Church must be arranged with our minister. You will have to bring along to your first meeting your birth certificates and, if applicable, divorce judgement or death certificate from previous marriage.

Usually weddings need to be arranged at least four months in advance. During the time leading up to your wedding you will need to meet with the minister at least twice. As well, arrangements for a rehearsal will be scheduled.

You do not need to be a church member to be married at Mount Royal United Church, nor do you need to attend our church. However, as marriage services here are a Christian celebration, we would encourage you to attend some worship services at our church. In this way we hope you will explore more deeply the Christian faith and that you will come to feel more a part of the life of this congregation.

We wish you all the best in your plans.

The Marriage Service at Mount Royal United Church

Types of Services

The practice that is followed by this Church and most United Churches is to make available to the couple at least two types of Christian marriage services. One is traditional in content and the other is a more contemporary form. Adaptations of these services can be made with the approval of the minister. In certain circumstances, where interests, beliefs and background warrant it, the couple, along with the minister, may consider other types of marriage services.


Our organist, Michel Gauthier should be contacted immediately to discuss appropriate music for your wedding. Mr. Gauthier can arrange for soloists who should be paid directly by you. If he is not available he will give you the names of other organists who are qualified to play our church organ.


We offer the complimentary use of our candelabra. These are two six-foot, wrought iron candle holders which our caretaker places at the front of the church and lights before the ceremony.


Arrangements about taking photographs or videos should be discussed with the minister. Discretion is always required.   

Decorations & Flowers

Flowers and/or pew bows are the responsibility of the couple and should be delivered to the church not more than one hour before the ceremony, to ensure our caretaker is on hand to receive them. Please indicate if you will take or leave your flowers. Flowers that are left are used in our Sunday morning service, after which they are given to sick or shut-in members of our congregation.


We ask that confetti Not Be Thrown in or outside of the church.


The charge for the use of the church is $500.00, which includes not only the use of the sanctuary, but also custodial services and secretarial assistance for booking and documentation required for all weddings. Once the wedding date has been confirmed with the minister, usually at the first appointment, we ask that you leave a deposit of $100.00. The outstanding balance should be paid three weeks prior to the wedding.

Professional Services

A marriage service requires additional professional services. The cost of these services is arranged between the couple and the professional, that is, the minister, the organist and the soloist.

The church will do everything possible to make each wedding a meaningful, personal service of celebration. Please feel free to talk over all your ideas with the minister.

Thank you for your cooperation.